
>> Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hi world,

It really hasn't been that long since I've updated you, and I really don't have that much to update you on! Ha, but at least now the internet is working relatively fast, so I can possibly upload some pictures of my lovely children. :) 

Sup? This is me in my lovely little uniform shirt. We have to wear these 4 days a week. Fridays are called "Mafty" days, which are kinda like spirit days. The sponsoring class decides on a theme, and the whole school can dress up according to the theme, but they have to pay a dollar. This is a fundraiser that is pretty nice, and raises like a hundred dollars almost every week. Only the 7th grade, 8th grade, Junior class, Senior Class, and possibly Kindergarten raise the money. I'm not so sure about that last one. Anyways yeah, those are like the "graduating" classes. 

Hmm. Well, my life is not too shabby at the moment. Getting myself ready for another long week :) As of now I don't really need much... I guess the only thing I could ask for anyone to send is some games! :) We're always dying to find things to do here, and I'm craving a game night one of these weekends... Hopefully that can happen sometime soon. Also, I can never get enough bandaids! :) I seem to have run out within the very first week! 

Another note, I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but if you ever send a package, make sure it is sent PRIORITY mail! It doesn't have to be express, but make sure it says airmail instead of boat. Because it'll take months for it to get here if it is anything else. So priority is the way to go. Also, if you haven't heard yet, you can get boxes at the post office called "flat rate boxes." These are beautiful! You buy the boxes, and it's a flat rate to ship it. As in, you can stuff whatever you want into these tiny boxes, and they only charge you for shipping. At least that's how I hear it goes. Don't take my word for it completely though, considering I haven't like, sent myself a package. 

As far as needing supplies, I can always use construction paper, pencils, markers, generic crafty things. I'm constantly trying to make up what to do in art class for the week, so if anyone has any suggestions that would be lovely! :) 

Oh in other news, it looks like I'll be moving from my hot stuffy classroom to a classroom that actually has a breeze! I'm excited for this. I had a room above the gym, which not only was ridiculously hot because there was no ocean breeze, but it was a tight fit with 22 kids in there. So I guess there is now an extra next to some of the other classrooms so I also won't need to be such a big loner. :) I get to hang out with other teachers, yes! And the bathroom breaks should be shorter because we're not so far away from them anymore. I'm not sure when I'll actually be moving my class to that room, but at least I want to get a look at it maybe today or later on this week. I want to get in there and clean and decorate and stuff. Should be fun stuff.

Rawr. Internet won't let me upload pictures for whatever reason. I did upload a few on my myspace. If you're friends with me on there, have a looksie! Sorry! I'll try to do it later! Right now by battery has only 20 minutes left, I forgot to bring my charger! oops. Catch you later! God Bless! 
