Asking for Rain

>> Thursday, September 11, 2008

Yesterday I asked for rain. Literally. I was sitting there, listening to music and talking with God. I was feeling a little insecure, confused about my place on this little tiny dot in the middle of the ocean. I was wondering why on earth God would send me, out of all the people in this world, to teach 5th grade at Delap Seventh Day Adventist School? I guess you could say that I’m more insecure at times than people really think. Yeah, I’m outgoing for the most part, but there’s a piece of me that has always leaned on the insecure side, always needing some sort of reinforcement. Well anyways, I was just crying out to God… sitting in wonder of his majestic ocean that I have the privilege of waking up to each and every morning. I told God if this was really where He wanted me, and this really was his plan for me, that it should rain. Not just any rain. Here in Majuro there are often random downpours that last a few minutes, and all of the sudden it’s over. I told God I wanted Him to send the biggest rain of the season. Then, I’d know that this truly was his plan. Of course, I knew there had to be some reason I was here, and of course it was his plans, but I was vulnerable, and, like the man who put the wool out in the rain, I asked God to do something. It didn’t rain all night. Usually during the night we wake up to drops on our face, causing us to close the window. This morning I woke up a little bummed. I had heard of stories of God answering crazy prayers like mine. Well, around 7am this morning it started pouring. The hardest rain I’ve ever seen. In fact, a leak started in our room, but that’s a different story. It continued to rain through the majority of the day. In fact, it’s only stopped just long enough for my kids to have like a 10 minute recess outside. It’s still sprinkling a bit on and off. We always appreciate the rain here. It’s a nice break in the heat. But today I was thankful for the rain because it confirmed my request. God has me here for a reason. I’m not really a hundred percent sure yet, and maybe I’ll never completely know why, but I do know He wants me here for this year, and I can accept that. All I can say is don’t be afraid to ask for rain. God works in mysterious ways. Mine happened to be through a rainy day, which was just what I needed. J


Oreste September 14, 2008 at 9:22 AM  

Ciao Carrie, sei splendida.
Un bacio da Roma.