>> Sunday, February 8, 2009

Well, world… I am entering into the real world a week from tomorrow. I’m not quite sure how I am going to react being in the states again. I’m going to see my older brother get married. I’m going to eat real Mexican food. I’m going to sleep in my own house, under my own roof, in my own bed. I am going to travel in a real car for more than 30 miles. I am going to see more than the same 20 white people every day. I will wear jeans and sweatshirts and embrace the chill of the winter. I will curl up and read a book in front of the fireplace. I will watch TV. I will be able to pick up the phone and hear my friend’s voices. I will smile, laugh, and drink it all in. And then… I’ll be coming back.


hollie m. February 8, 2009 at 4:59 PM  

Guess what else you're going to have?!?!?!?! A CELL PHONE WITH TEXTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D

(I'm excited!)

J February 12, 2009 at 9:39 AM  

Beautifully written carrie my friend. I love all these things you will be doing. Then coming back. Don't sound so thrilled about it! Oh, oh , TEXT ME!! TEXT ME when you get back in the country. I want to see a text from my friend carrie!!!!!

oh. When are you officially coming back to the states anyway?