
>> Thursday, September 25, 2008

Here are a few pictures I thought you might enjoy: 

These are my very own personal hairdressers. I was braiding my hair, and they wanted to help :)

This is Tim. He is hilarious and probably has the most spunk in my whole class. He is the one who insisted that my brother Zac MUST be Zac Efron! 

Here are some of my girls, both 8th grade and 5th. This was before our potluck started.

This is Andy. He is 8 years old and in 5th grade. Also one of my top students. 

Peter, on the left, is quite the trouble-maker but I like him none-the-less. Lennin, on the right is such a sweetheart. 

These are my boys. Most of them. This is pretty much how they always are. 

My new classroom! Can you tell it's at least 2 times the size of the last one? I can't remember if I showed a picture of my old one, but this picture was taken from the doorway. I really really like my new classroom.

Here I am sitting while being sung to for my birthday at our so-called "meeting." :) 

Peace! :) 

What? There was no meeting? They had me fooled! 

I heart Jaimie.

This is Jim, or Mr. Spiva. He's my boss. I think he had cake in his mouth and was trying to pose, but started laughing. Note the terrified look on my face.

Meet Lindsey. She's from Walla Walla, but we didn't know each other before here. I like her. She's a sweetie. She teaches music now, Jaimie took her old job of teaching High School English.

I really like this picture. Even though I'm not quite sure what I'm doing with my hands. I was very surprised and happy. :)

This is me posing with all of my Marshallese birthday gifts. I decided to wear them all... at once.

I got some pretty fancy local jewelry, as you can see.. I really like the flowers. I wear them in my hair a lot.